Building an actionable social media marketing planning through content creation strategies - “4D Framework”

  • jcrm psgim


Value addition is the successful best strategy for any business marketing, there are many ways to add value to the customers and one of the easiest ways to do that and gain credibility for any kind of business is by content marketing. Content Marketing has become the industry standard. It has been found to be more effective than Traditional marketing. Content Marketing shifts Marketing away from persuasive advertising and selling approaches and instead provides information that creates value for the consumer. This information may be interesting, helpful, informative, problem- solving, or just entertaining, but the consumer must derive some benefit from it. But the major challenge in content marketing is being consistent in posting content that is reliable, relatable & attractive. This article provides a strategic solution to be consistent in creating & curating content, which is reliable, relatable & attractive. Through framing and experimenting little content strategies depend upon the mindsets and interests of tropical prospects, which gave a paradigm shift to understand how content strategies drive in impressions and also scale up the reach in the social media. Few experiments flopped and few others worked effectively and showed results. Now with these few small content strategies that are showing significant results, by compiling all the experimented strategies to make it a solution for making a consistent content marketing schedule for D2C Business, The following article is a 4D Content Marketing Tool – “Determine, Define, Decode, Distill” that can be used for any kind of program or any kind of B2B, B2C, D2C Social media marketing by using the 5 different content buckets applied with the 31 different content topics any writer with a minimal skill will be able to create content pieces for more than a year. Which finally results in planning the social media outreach calendar even for a year
